FREE eBook on Weight Lifting for Tennis

FREE eBook on Weight Lifting for Tennis

“Basic Introduction to Weight Lifting for Tennis” is my new eBook and you can get it for free; simply “pay” with a tweet. What’s Inside Weight Lifting for Tennis? The book provides information on weight lifting for tennis players, including: why weight lifting for tennis makes sense dynamic & static stretching routines various resistance training workouts…

Bend Over Row
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Bend Over Row

The bend over row is a compound resistance training exercise to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and elbow flexors. Moreover, the bend over row activates numerous muscle groups simultaneously, thereby improving neuromuscular system efficiency. The exercise also enhances the skill set for more complex movements, such as upper body strength for Olympic lifts.…

Standing Military Press
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Standing Military Press

The standing military press is a compound resistance training exercise to strengthen the musculature of the back and shoulder and prepare the athlete for Olympic lifts. Aside from enhancing strength, the standing military press improves body control, coordination and prepares you for complex movement, including overhead pressing action. Since the standing military press activated numerous…

Supine Hip Lifts
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Supine Hip Lifts

The Supine Hip Lifts is a calisthenic training exercise to strengthen the core. Aside from strengthening the trunk flexor musculature, the supine hip lifts improve neuromuscular system efficiency, body control and flexibility. Due to the fact that the core is essential for enhanced kinetic chain efficiency and its importance during stroke production you should regularly…

Hang Clean to Power Receive
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Hang Clean to Power Receive

The Hang Clean to Power Receive is a power training exercise for professional athletes to enhance hip flexor speed & neuromuscular efficiency. The Hang Clean to Power Receive is a free-weight power exercise that activates numerous muscle groups simultaneously, requires explosive hip flexion. It forces the athlete to have body control, coordination, flexibility and dynamic…