The Supine Hip Lifts is a calisthenic training exercise to strengthen the core.
Aside from strengthening the trunk flexor musculature, the supine hip lifts improve neuromuscular system efficiency, body control and flexibility.
Due to the fact that the core is essential for enhanced kinetic chain efficiency and its importance during stroke production you should regularly implement core training exercise into your strength and conditioning program.
Find out more about kinetic chain efficiency and why core training is important for tennis players.
Many professional athletes accomplish this in the form of an ab-circuit or core training workout. Generally they perform 4-6 exercises 4-5 days per week with 3 sets and 8-20 reps respectively.
If your core section needs work then start out with an ab-circuit (e.g. 3 exercises) every other day and progress into having an entire core training workout.
Hip Lifts Progression
If you use additional weights…make sure you use appropriate resistance so you can control the action throughout the entire range of motion. Otherwise you defeat the purpose of the exercise.
Very often, people use too much resistance and they become sloppy. Especially when it comes to maintaining core stability repetitively.
Also, don’t just progress with adding more weight. First, maximize the speed while maintaining perfect form.
Supine Hip Lifts Description
- Place floor mat on the ground
- Lie down in supine (face up) position, horizontally abduct shoulders (make a T) to 90°, keep knees extended (straight), and flex hips until feet point towards the ceiling (90° hip flexion)
- In a controlled fashion, push feet straight upward farther towards the ceiling thereby flexing the lumbar spine and lifting buttocks off the floor
- Slowly extend lumbar spine and return buttocks towards the ground without allowing the legs to swing
Targeted Musculature
- Rectus Abdominis (distal end)
- Obliques
More Core Training Exercises
Maintaining a strong core is important for tennis players in order to produce powerful groundstrokes and serves because more energy is available to perform since less energy is being “wasted” for undesirable movements.
If you regularly want to train the core then take a look at the Dual Landmine Core Trainer. It’s an excellent training tool to strengthen the core!
Following you’ll find some more core training exercises:
Core Stretches For You
Now, once you are finished playing tennis you may want to stretch out your muscles to improve flexibility and avoid injuries.
Here are a few exercises for you to consider:
- Oblique Stretch Targets Trunk Rotators
- Lunge & Overhead Reach Dynamic Stretch
- Dynamic Cross Over Lunge Stretch with Heel Reach