The Power Clean is a compound resistance training exercise for pro athletes to improve explosiveness of hip extensors, hip flexor speed, body control and coordination.
Power Clean Description
- Position barbell hip level on the rack; add resistance (plates) and attach safety clips
- Use a pronated grip (palms facing down) and place hands shoulder-width apart on the bar
- Lift barbell off the rack; take a few steps back and position barbell on the floor
- Take an athletic stance; stand straight, feet are shoulder-width apart; knees slightly flexed; toes point slightly outward (10˚-20˚)
- Assume deadlift starting position; flex the transverse abdominis (abs) before moving the barbell; maintain neutral spine and head position; look forward
- 1st pulling phase; extend hips and knees in controlled fashion; maintain neutral spine position (push chest out and scapulae [shoulder blades] together); maintain neutral head position (look forward)
- Once barbell moves past the knees 2nd pulling phase occurs; explosively extend the hips and simultaneously jump vertically (plantar flexion) while shrugging the shoulders and flexing the elbows while abducting shoulders to 90˚ (upright row); barbell remains close to the body; elbows point sideways
- When barbell reaches neutral gravity (no movement) flip the wrists (wrist extension), internally rotate and flex elbows under the bar and rapidly flex the hips to receive the barbell on top of the chest; knees are flexed at 90˚ (or as low as possible); shoulder is flexed at 90˚; elbows are flexed and pointing forward; power receive occurs with knee and hip flexion; maintain neutral spine and head position
- Extend the hips and knees and stand up straight
- Slightly flex the hips (without excessive knee flexion) then extend hips rapidly to move barbell vertically off the chest and immediately flex hips rapidly (drop into ¼ lunge position) to get under the barbell and extend the elbows; knees must not protrude past toes; look forward
- Stand up straight
Power Clean Targeted Musculature
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Quadriceps
- Iliopsoas
- Calves
- Trapezius
- Levator Scapulae
- Deltoids
- Triceps
Related Resistance Training Exercises
Training Zone
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