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Hang Snatch

The Hang Snatch is a power training exercise for professional athletes to enhance hip flexor speed. The Hang Snatch is a compound exercise, which focuses on: improving the synergy of the neuromuscular system learning the snatch receive (improving hip flexor speed) improving explosiveness of hip extensor musculature while transitioning into shoulder shrug. In addition, you…

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Deadlift to Upright Row

The deadlift to upright row is a compound exercise to improve neuromuscular system efficiency and explosiveness of the hip extensors. Since the deadlift to upright row activates numerous muscle groups simultaneously we can improve energy transfer via the neuromuscular system, body control and coordination. At the same time, the deadlift to upright row teaches you…

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RDL to High Receive

The RDL to High Receive is a compound resistance training exercise to improve the synergy of the neuromuscular system, explosive hip extension and strengthen the hip- and trunk extensors. Since the RDL to High Receive is a free-weight exercise activating numerous muscle groups simultaneously we can improve kinetic chain efficiency, body control and coordination. Because…

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Front Squat to Press

The Front Squat to Press is a compound exercise to improve neuromuscular system efficiency and strengthen the hip- and knee extensors. Since the Front Squat to Press emulates the closed-stance and activates numerous muscle groups simultaneously we can improve energy transfer via the neuromuscular system, body control and coordination. The Front Squat to Press prepares…

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Standing Military Press

The standing military press is a compound resistance training exercise to strengthen the musculature of the back and shoulder and prepare the athlete for Olympic lifts. Aside from enhancing strength, the standing military press improves body control, coordination and prepares you for complex movement, including overhead pressing action. Since the standing military press activated numerous…

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Upright Row

The upright row is a compound resistance training exercise to strengthen the shoulder abductors and muscles of the shoulder girdle used during the serve. The upright row is an essential upper-body exercise because it activates muscles used during the serve and the pulling phase during Olympic lifts. Thereby improving strength, neuromuscular system efficiency, body control…