Glycolysis Explained: How Glucose Breakdown Provides Energy

Glycolysis Explained: How Glucose Breakdown Provides Energy

Glycolysis, the “splitting of glucose”, is the breakdown of glucose or glycogen in order to provide ATP, which occurs in the liver and in the sarcoplasm of muscle cells. Glycolysis is the energy system that predominantly provides energy for higher-intensity activities lasting 15-90 seconds and it provides a net gain of 2-3 ATP. Glycolysis Explained: Splitting of…

Biological Energy Metabolism: ATP Production

Biological Energy Metabolism: ATP Production

Biological energy metabolism involves the synthesis and breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to provide energy to do work. 3 energy systems are available. ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is the immediate source of energy for muscle cells. ATP consists of three parts: adenine ribose three linked phosphates Energy Metabolism: ATP Synthesis & Breakdown During ATP synthesis, an…