
The Purpose of Athletic Conditioning

The purpose of athletic conditioning is to improve performance by enhancing movement economy, energy system efficiency, neuromuscular efficiency and energy transfer. Athletes do a lot of things, sometimes unconventional (e.g. walk over hot stones), in order to enhance their fitness so they can perform better in their respective sports. Some do yoga, others go weightlifting,…

Romanian Deadlift - RDL

Romanian Deadlift - RDL

The Romanian deadlift (RDL) is a compound resistance training exercise to strengthen the hip- and trunk extensors, prepare the athlete for Olympic lifts and enhance pelvis flexibility. Since the Romanian deadlift activates the hamstrings and erector spinae simultaneously, we can enhance the synergy of the neuromuscular system, body control and coordination. The RDL is also…


Front Squat

The front squat is a compound resistance training exercise to strengthen the knee- and hip extensors and prepare the athlete for more complex movements during Olympic lifts. Because the front squat is a compound exercise activating numerous muscle groups simultaneously, it improves neuromuscular system efficiency. In addition the front squat improves body control and flexibility…